Jack Dorsey - CEO of Square

Jack Dorsey – Life Journey

Early Life and Education

Jack Dorsey was born on November 19, 1976, in St. Louis, Missouri, to Marcia Smith and Tim Dorsey. Growing up in a dynamic environment due to his father’s job, Dorsey developed a fascination for maps, sparking his early interest in technology. Despite grappling with stuttering during his childhood, he overcame this obstacle through participation in oratory competitions, honing his communication skills.

Dorsey’s affinity for computers blossomed during his high school years at Bishop du Bourg High School in St. Louis, where he actively engaged in the school’s computer club. His voracious appetite for knowledge led him to immerse himself in studying the available model of IBM computers, laying the foundation for his future endeavors in technology.

After completing high school, Jack Dorsey pursued higher education at the Missouri University of Science and Technology before transferring to New York University. It was during his time at NYU that he conceived the groundbreaking idea for Twitter—a platform for sharing short messages with friends in real-time. Despite not completing his degree, Dorsey’s entrepreneurial spirit propelled him to pursue his vision for revolutionizing communication in the digital age.

Entrepreneurial Ventures

Embarking on his career as a programmer, Dorsey ventured to Oakland, California, in 2000, where he established a company aimed at dispatching taxis, couriers, and emergency services. Despite encountering initial setbacks, including the failure of his company, Dorsey remained undeterred in his quest to create innovative solutions to real-world challenges.

Dorsey’s perseverance bore fruit in 2006 when he, alongside co-founders Biz Stone and Evan Williams, launched Twitter—an online social networking service that would redefine the way people connect and communicate globally. Within a remarkably short span, Twitter skyrocketed to prominence, becoming one of the most influential platforms in the digital landscape.

In addition to his groundbreaking work with Twitter, Dorsey co-founded Square Inc. in 2009, a mobile payments company aimed at revolutionizing financial transactions. Under Dorsey’s leadership as CEO, Square expanded its offerings to include a diverse range of financial and merchant services, solidifying its position as a leader in the fintech industry.

Recognition and Legacy

Dorsey’s visionary leadership and entrepreneurial prowess have garnered widespread acclaim, earning him accolades such as being named one of the top 35 innovators under the age of 35 by the MIT Technology Review in 2008. His contributions to technology and business were further underscored when he received the “Innovator of the Year Award” for technology from The Wall Street Journal in 2012.

Beyond his professional achievements, Dorsey’s personal life has also attracted attention, with his relationships with British model Lily Cole and yoga instructor Kate Greer making headlines.

As of June 2015, Jack Dorsey boasts a net worth of US $2.4 billion, solidifying his legacy as a visionary entrepreneur and influential figure in the world of technology and business. His pioneering efforts with Twitter and Square continue to shape the digital landscape, inspiring future generations of innovators to push the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of technology and entrepreneurship.



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